22x15x10 mm

MXO37H/14P, MXO37H/14PST
MXO37H/14P, MXO37H/14PST
High stability high frequency low power
Owing to the internally heated resonator technology and internal multiplication circuitry the MXO37H/14P version enables high frequency stability at low power consumption in 24-300 MHz operation range. Some degradation of the phase-noise at far offset from the carrier compared to the MXO37/14P model and -50 dBc subharmonics level in the output spectra are inherent with the multiplication technique.
Basic electrical parameters
<180 mW consumption
2 ppb (-40 +85)°C
0.1 ppb/day aging
0.2 ppb/g sensitivity
-110 dBc/Hz @ 1 Hz

SMD version available

25-300 MH with multiplication
Download full spec and ordering information

Best achievable phase noise
