16x15x11 mm

MXO37/8F, MXO37/8FST
MXO37/8F, MXO37/8FST
Very fast warming up low power DIP8 compatible
This OCXO series utilizes the direct heating of the crystal plate with deposited film heaters along with the whole thermo-control circuitry disposed in the resonator TO-8 vacuum holder. This oven concept enables very short warm-up time combined with high frequency stability, low power consumption and DIP8 sizes.
Basic electrical parameters
<20 s (0.1 ppm) warm-up
<150 mW consumption
10 ppb, (-40+85)°C
0.2 ppb/day
-100 dBc/Hz @1 Hz
-170 dBc/Hz floor

SMD version available

8-100 MHz fundamental

Best achievable phase noise
