In the IHR construction high precision crystal plate together with whole oven control system is integrated in miniature vacuum TO-8 holder that ensures to the OCXO very small sues and extremely low power consumption at high frequency stability and low phase-noise level.

Beside this unique combination of parameters, the IHR technology provides to the low power OCXOs very short warm up time, low g-sensitivity and high resistance to mechanical factors making them indispensable solutions in a variety of high-end battery supply or/and mobile timing and frequency control applications.

Xtal Tecnologies (AXT)  
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Dr. Igor Abramzon has been working in the frequency control industry since 1982. In 1998 he set up a research group for development of novel OCXO products with extraordinary performances using technology of the Internally Heated Resonators.

In 2001 he established Magic Xtal Ltd. Devoted to large scale manufacturing of the advanced OCXO products based on the developments of the AXT group.

Dr. Igor Abramzon is an author of more than 50 published papers in the field of high precision crystal oscillators and resonators and of five basic patents in this field.

Besides the intensive researches AXT activity includes worldwide delivery of various advanced OCXOs manufactured at Magic Xtal Ltd. upon Dr. I. Abramzon patents.

AXT group is located at own production area with full set of equipment for the researches and sampling.
Since 1999 AXTE develops and supplies extraordinary low power high stability OCXOs based on its patented IHR (Internally Heated Resonator) technology.

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